SEO stagnates despite new content?
Du are always publishing new waves of content, but there is no increase in organic access? Especially in such a situation, it is obvious that the reason for the lack of success is not the content, but the website technology. There are a number of technical levers that can be used to significantly improve website technology on an ad hoc basis for better indexing. In the end, you decide which is the right one for you. Image search accounts for around 10% of organic clicks for many companies . If you don’t already have that, you can caption your stock images on the website and automate the process a bit – for example with image captioning on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. You can also include relevant questions answered on your page as FAQ schema markup in JSON format so Google can rank your URL in a related questions box at the top of the first search results page for specific keywords. If you want to generate 25% more impressions directly from your blog articles, you should build an AMP integration on the website so that your blog articles are served as additional, alternative canonical pages in AMP format as ultra-fast loading mobile pages. Remember: Each additional organic click can catalyze your existing rankings, since the number of clicks is already one of the most important ranking factors.

Image captioning with Microsoft Azure Vision Studio for image search engine optimization

Slava Wagner
Marketing & Lead Generation
SEA, paid media, conversion rate optimization, market and trend analysis in the Berlin-Brandenburg area.
Phone: +49 176 588 744 04