Slava Wagner – SEA, CRO, Data & Forecasting

Acquisition for franchise companies: Find franchisees with Google Ads

There are numerous approaches to gaining leads. In B2B ads campaigns, the choice is essentially limited to two lead modalities: inexpensive warm acquisition leads for sales and cost-intensive direct inquiries. Which gear it is worth engaging must always be tested during operation.

“Even a minimally tailored range of approaches can yield hundreds of paths of strategies. Fortunately, we can limit the selection to two strategies for franchisee acquisition.”

When it comes to B2B lead generation, Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads are the driving forces in paid advertising, as we receive qualified leads that are particularly predictable and reliable. In this post, we take a closer look at Google Ads. Our goal is not to generate leads in any way, but in exactly two categories:

Warm acquisition leads for pre-qualification and contact initiation in sales. Such leads are created by receiving an incentive, i.e.: information packages, brochures, information flyers, white papers, e-books, webinars. In order to receive an incentive, users must enter an e-mail address (optionally a telephone number) on a conversion-optimized landing page in order to receive this in their mailbox. The applicants can then either be contacted directly, or they can be assigned to a mail marketing system in parallel (if a double opt-in has taken place beforehand). In the B2B segment, this usually requires an advertising budget in the range of €20 – €50 per lead. The closing rate from all leads is in turn extremely case-dependent – and the most important strategic lever. If there is no response at all from 100 leads, the ads targeting and the offer design (landing page and incentive) should definitely be examined and optimized.
Direct inquiry leads for the direct consultation. At the end of the conversion-optimized landing page, users see a contact form in which they can register directly for a consultation. Decisions to act in the B2B area are always associated with a very large inhibition threshold, since these are very far-reaching decisions. This means that even if we find a user who fits into our very small and highly specialized target group, they will not just make a request. Therefore, experience has shown that the cost per lead (pure advertising budget) is between €200 and €300. If the leads do not turn out to be qualified enough, the adjusting screws have to be tightened here as well. Specifically, it means, for example, further narrowing down the targeting or keyword strategy and, above all, writing the landing page in such a way that it is aimed at an even more highly specialized target group.

Franchise advertising with Google Ads: Classic search campaign

The range of settings at Google Ads evokes the feeling among many prospective advertisers: There are countless recombination possibilities. We can hardly know how the options affect their combinations. This feeling arises rightly: Even a range of approaches tailored to the minimum can yield hundreds of paths to strategies. Hundreds – because when in doubt we have to A/B test many elements when looking for the best possible key – i.e. costs per lead. Example: three bid strategies multiplied by two keyword strategy approaches, multiplied by three target CPA tests, multiplied by three ad copy approaches, multiplied by two locations and by two landing pages.

Fortunately, we can limit the selection to the essentials for the franchisee acquisition: Basically, we need a keyword strategy with the right keyword set. Due to the very low search volumes, we actually only have two options here:

Keywords with a direct interest in action for direct inquiry leads: Keywords with a clear search intent, such as: find franchisers (search volume: 20 per month)
Information-based keywords for warm acquisition leads: General topics such as franchise costs (search volume: 110 per month) or franchise gastronomy (search volume: 210 per month)

Ad design and ad effectiveness

Based on this, ads should be written that should contain the booked keyword in the first ad title if possible. This is especially important for the Google algorithm, as it increases ad effectiveness, giving our ads a better chance of getting a higher percentage of potential impressions in the top search position. As a keyword option, I would advise against broad match, even if this is always recommended by Google Ads – because the algorithm can also deliver the ad as broad match under non-industry search terms. It is best to start with a suitable word group as the entry position: This means that at least the term “franchisegiver” and “find” should be included in the search term at any point.

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